- 01. Basic Procedure in Managing Your Webiste
- 02. To Upload a Top Banner to the Website
- 03. To Add a Category to the Webiste
- 04. To Create the Top Menu for the Webiste
- 05. To Add Category "About Us"
- 06. To Add the Contact Page to the Website
- 07. To Add an Article to the Website
- 08. To Insert a Picture into an Article
- 09. To Edit, Delete An Article
- 10. To Add a Category for Photos
- 11. To Add a Slide Show to the Website
- 12. To Edit, Delete a Category
- 13. To Add a Video Clip to the Website
- 14. To Edit While Viewing the Web Pages
- 15. To Change the Display of an Article List
- 16. To Change the Display of an Article
- 17. To Place an Advertisement on the Website
- 18. Display Types for Advertisements
- 19. How To Layout Your Homepage
- 20. To Show, Hide And Edit The Special Boxes
- 21. Search And Filter Tools In The Control Panel
- 22. To Setup Default Sizes For Images
- 23. To Insert a Video Clip Into An Article
- 24. To embed a Youtube Video in your Website
- 25. To Post a Book on Your Website
- 26. To Post a PDF book on the Website
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To Change the Display of an Article List
Your web pages are displayed with several elements which can be adjusted or turned off by the administrator. As default, your website will display almost all of these elements in a list of items. You may want to turn off or adjust some of them to your liking.
Let’s take a look at the list of articles in the category “Writings”.
The numbers on this picture correspond to the following explanations.
This list of articles is using 1 column format. You can choose to display it in more than one column.
At the upper left corner is the “Sort Box” which shows that the list is now sorted by “Date” and in “Descending“ order. If this “Sort Box” is present, readers can choose among different ways to sort the list.
At the top right corner is the option to choose number of articles per page. You can set the default number and you can turn off this option.
Near the top right corner is the page selection. This function will appear when the list is longer than one page. It allows the reader go to the next page or any page in the list. It is called “Paging” by the Control Panel. You can turn off this function.
On the left of each title is the “Quick view bullet”. It is also called the “Bullet” by the Control Panel. If a viewer clicks on this bullet, the article details will be displayed at this position. Click on it again, the details will disappear. This bullet can be disabled.
At the end of each title is the date and time this article is posted. This info can be turned off.
Next to the posted date is a number showing how many times this article has been viewed. This info can be turned off.
On the right of the title are the rating stars which show the ratings that readers have rated this article. Ratings will not appear if you disable the comments and ratings option for this category.
Under the title is the thumbnail image. You can decide to display the thumbnail or not.
Next, is a brief summary of the article. You can decide to display this text or not.
At the end of the summary is the “More” button. It links to the detail page of this article. You can decide to display this button or not.
Now, let’s look at a box where articles are displayed with the titles and a tiny thumbnail only. The HOT NEWS box, for example. Notice that whenever you move the mouse cursor over the title, a frame of text will pop up. It is called the “Tool Tip” by the admin program. You can turn this Tool Tip feature on or off.
If you want to change the settings for these elements, do as follow.
A. In this example, let’s assume that you have logged in the Control Panel, selected the “English site” and have opened the record of category “Writings”. The record looks like the following picture.
B. Go to the Page Interface section and click on the "Edit Page Layout" button. You will enter a screen like the following.
C. You will be editing the section named “Center”. “Center” is the area on the web page where the list of articles is displayed. Let’s take a closer look at this section.
This section contains 3 elements.
Adv_CTop. This is the advertisement element at the top position of this section. (Adv_NewsList stands for “Advertisement at Center Top”). You can disable it by un-checking the box. It is advised to leave it as is.
UC_NewsList. This is where the List of Articles will be displayed. (UC_NewsList stands for “User Control News List”). NOTES: This is also the position for the Detail Page of an Article. You should not uncheck the box.
Adv_CBottom. This is the advertisement element at the bottom of this section. (Adv_NewsList stands for “Advertisement at Center Bottom”). You can disable it by un-checking the box. It is advised to leave it as is.
D. You will be editing the appearance of the list; therefore you have to click on “UC_NewsList”. This element will expand into an orange frame with the “Edit” button.
E. Click the “Edit” button. A screen will appear with many options.
F. To change the display of an article list, you need to edit these elements.
1. Do not edit the "Control name" and the "Display position" boxes!
2. You can change the "Display Style" box; but it's advised to keep it as is (i.e. "List").
3. You can check the box for “Quick View Feature”; but it’s advised to keep it un-checked. If this box is checked, the reader will not see the detail page. The detail article will be displayed at this position whenever the reader clicks on the title or the thumbnail image. When he or she clicks the title again, the details will disappear. It works similar to the “Quick View Bullet”.
There are many options in the section “Default setup”:
4. Show Paging. Un-check it if you don’t want the readers to jump to any page on the list
5. Number of items / page. Here, you can change the default number of articles shown in each page.
6. Sorted by. Here, you can decide by what data should the articles be sorted, as default.
7. Order. Here, you can decide in which order should the list be sorted, as default.
8. Page size choice. If checked, the readers can choose the number of articles per listing page.
9. Allow user to sort. If checked, the readers can sort the list the way they want.
10. Show tooltips. If checked, a pop-up frame will appear whenever a reader places the mouse cursor over a title.
11. Show view count. If checked, the list will show how many times this article has been viewed. View count will also be displayed in the detail page.
12. Show date posted. If checked, the list will show the posting date of this article. This info will also be displayed in the detail page.
13. Show time posted. If checked, the list will show the time this article is posted. This info will also be displayed in the detail page.
14. Show brief. If checked, the list will include a brief summary of the article. The Brief box in the article record must be filled in the summary text.
15. Show thumbnail. If checked, the list will show the thumbnail image representing the article.
16. Show bullet. If checked, the bullet appear at the beginning of each title. This bullet works as the Quick View function.
17. Show Read More button. If checked, the “Read More” or “More” button will appear after the summary text.
G. When you have finished editing the displaying options, click the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen. Note: Do not click the “Close” button unless you want to cancel all the changes.
H. You will be back to the “Edit Page Layout” screen. You will need to click the “Save” button to save the changes you have just made. Note: Do not click the “Close” button unless you want to cancel all the changes.
I. You will be back to the record of the category
J. Click the "Update" button at the top or bottom of the screen. The message "Update Successful!" will appear near the upper left corner.
K. Go to your website and check if the list is displayed the way you want. You must refresh the page to see the changes you‘ve just made
You have finished changing the display of a list.
NOTE: You can use the same process to change the listing display of a category of a different content type.
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