03. To Add a Category to the Webiste

03 Tháng Sáu 20157:55 CH(Xem: 8352)
03. To Add a Category to the Webiste
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To Add a Category to the Webiste

Website is actually a collection of articles and pictures. Depending on their content, these articles and pictures are grouped into areas which are called categories by a website administrator. These categories are normally shown on the website as menu items. When a reader clicks on a menu item, he will view all the articles belonging to a category.

For example: If your website menu contains these items: Writings, Photos, About Us, Contact, it definitely will have all those categories. There are also categories which are not shown in the menu. They serve some special purposes.

Your newly built website might just have only one category, which is Homepage. It is the first page that a visitor will see. Let us add some categories to this new website.

In the following example, we will add a new category in Left Menu of the English section, or the English Site, of the website.
Here is how to do it.

A. Login the Control Panel as usual.

B. Click "Website Manager" on the top menu. Then select "Categories" in the drop down list. You may, instead, click on the Categories icon in the center area.

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The list of existing categories will appear.

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C. Select which language site to manage.

Before doing any managing work for your website, you need to specify which language site you are working with. To select a language site, click on the box near the upper left corner of the screen and select the appropriate language site. In this example, you are adding a category to the English site; you will select "English Site" for this box.

You will see the list of categories of the English site. There are some categories in this list, but only one of them is displayed on the website. It is the category "Homepage" under Left Menu.

Look at the following picture for a comparison between the category list in the Control Panel and the web page with the category "Homepage" in the Left Menu.

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Note that the category "Homepage" is listed under the "Left Menu" category. The name "Homepage" is placed after two hyphens. This arrangement tells us that "Homepage" is the "child" category of "Left Menu", or belongs to "Left Menu".

D. Click the "Record Edit" button near the upper right corner of the screen. A blank record will appear.

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Click the "New" button if the record is not blank. Otherwise, go on to the next step.

F. Please focus on these 3 data: Parent, Title and Content Type. They are the most essential data for a category.

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    1. Parent. Here, you should tell which category is the parent of the new category. It means that the new category belongs to which category. In this example, we choose "Left Menu" as the "parent" of the category you are adding. Click on the box (or the arrow towards the end of this box) and select "Left Menu" in the list

    2. Title. Type the name of the new category. This name will show on the Menu. In this example, you will type "Writings" in here.

    3. Content Type.

    4. In this table, you will select the type of content for your new category. In this example, you will select "News" as the content type. News is the general content for all articles and news.

You don't need to concern about the other data at this moment.
The record will look like the following after you have completed those 3 data.

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Click the "Add" button at the top or bottom of the screen. The message "Data Added Successfully!" will appear near the upper left corner.

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Now, go to your website and check if the new category has been added to the Left Menu. You must refresh the web page. Click the "Refresh" button of your browser, or hit the "F5" key on your keyboard.

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Now, the item "Writings" has been added to the Left menu. But, it is above the item "Homepage". That is not what we want. We need to move it down below "Homepage". Let's continue to change the order of this category.

Đổi thứ tự của danh mục

Bạn vừa thêm một danh mục (category) và muốn đổi thứ tự danh mục này, hãy trở lại phiếu dữ liệu của danh mục. (Nếu đã ra khỏi Control Panel, bạn cần vào lại Control Panel và vào phiếu dữ liệu của danh mục này).

A. Giả sử bạn đang xem dữ liệu của danh mục "Writings" mới thêm.

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Phiá trên, bên phải phiếu dữ liệu có khung "Properties" (Thuộc Tính). Trong khung này có ô Order dùng để đổi thứ tự danh mục.

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Bấm vào mũi tên cuối ô và chọn "After : Homepage" trong bảng rải xuống. Chọn như vậy, danh mục "Writings" sẽ hiện ở bên dưới danh mục Homepage.

C. Bấm nút "Update" ở đầu trang hoặc cuối trang. Thông báo "Update Successful!" sẽ hiện ra ở góc trên, bên trái.

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Vào website kiểm soát xem danh mục "Writings" đã được dời xuống bên dưới Homepage chưa. Trở ra trang web, bạn cần phải bấm nút refresh của web browser (hoặc nhấn phím "F5" trên keyboard) thì mới thấy trang web đã được thay đổi. Left Menu, sau khi đổi, sẽ tương tự như sau.

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