26. To Post a PDF book on the Website

03 Tháng Sáu 201511:50 CH(Xem: 11181)
26. To Post a PDF book on the Website
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Nowadays, it is common to create a book in the form of a PDF document. PDF document is small in size and can be emailed or posted on the website easily. Readers only need a free-of-charge plug-in to read the PDF document. PDF books will appear exactly as it is printed.

Posting a PDF book on the website is very simple for the website administrator. You only need to add one record and upload one PDF file to the web server. You don’t need to upload every single chapters because a PDF book already contains all the parts and chapters.

Before you can post a PDF book, your website must already have a category for this type of content. If your website hasn’t got one, please add a new category and name it “PDF Books”, for example.

You must select “PDF Books” as the content type when you add this new category. You can name it “PDF Novels”, “PDF Documents” or any other name. For simplicity, we just name it “PDF Books” in this example.

1. Add a category for PDF books
  • Login the Control Panel. Go to “Website Manager” and select “Categories” in the drop down list.
  • Select the appropriate Language Site. In this example, we will add the “PDF Books” category for the English site. If the box near the upper left corner does not show “English Site”, click on it and select “English Site”.
  • Click “Record Edit” near the upper right corner to add a record.


  • Click the box for “Parent” and select “Left Menu” to add this category to the Left Menu..
  • Fill in the “Title” box with “PDF Books”.
  • In the “Content Type” section, click the round button for “PDF Books”.
  • In the “Page Interface” section, select the interface that you like. We will select style 6 for this category because tha space for the book is larger.
  • Click the “Add” button.
  • However, our task is not done yet. You still need to place this new category in some order on the Left Menu. This can only be done when the category has already been added. In the “Properties” section near the upper right corner, find the “Order” box. Click on it and select “After Books”. This category will be placed after “Books” on the Left Menu.


  • Next, click the “Update” button of the record to finish.
You’ve just added the “PDF Books” category to the website. Now, you can start posting a PDF book.

2. Add a PDF Book
  • Go to “Content Manager” and select “PDF Books” in the dropdown list.


  • The list of existing PDF books in the website will appear. This list is now empty.


  • Click “Record Edit” near the upper right corner. A new record will appear.
  • Fill in the book Title, Author, and check the box for category “PDF Books”.


  • Fill in the “Pdf File” box. Here, you will fill in the file path to the PDF file on the web server. First, you must upload the PDF file to the web server. Then, you can insert the file path in this box:
- Click the “Browse” button. You will see the file area of the web server. Files are stored in different folders.
- Since this file is for a PDF Book, you should upload it to the “PDF_Books” folder. Click on folder “PDF_Books”. This folder is empty at this moment because you haven’t uploaded any PDF file to the web server yet..


- Click the “Upload” button near the upper right corner. The “Upload Files” screen will appear.


- Click the “Add” button. You will see the files in your computer. Find the PDF file for the book in your computer.


- Click on the filename then click the “Save” button. You will be back to the “Upload” screen. Your file will appear near the top of the “Upload” screen.


- Click the  “Upload” button. The file will be transferred to the web server. The message “All files have been uploaded” will appear.
- Click “OK
- Next, click the “Close this window” button to close this screen. Click “Yes” when you are asked to confirm.
- You will be back to the file area and the PDF file you’ve just uploaded will appear.


- Click on the filename; then click the “Insert” button. You will be back to the PDF book record and the path to the file has already been filled in the “Pdf File” box.


  • If you want to show a thumbnail in the list of  PDF books, you can upload the book cover image to the web server. Click the “Browse” button at the end of the “Thumbnail image” box and upload the image.  Refer to “Article 8 – To Insert a Picture into an Article” for instructions..
  • If you have a summary of the book, you can fill it in the “Brief” box.
  • Click the “Add” button to finish adding the PDF book.
  • Now, you can go to your website to check. Click on “PDF Books”. You will see the PDF book you’ve just posted


  • Click on the title. You will see the detail page of the book.


  • You may only see the upper part of the first page because the monitor is not tall enough to display the whole page. You can use the PDF scroll bar to get to the lower part of the page and as well as the other pages of the book. Please note that you may see two scroll bars. The PDF document scroll bar is at the right edge of the PDF page. The web page scroll bar is at the right edge of the web page.
  • You may need to zoom in or out when you read the book. The zoom buttons are on the pdf tool bar. This tool bar will only appear when you go to the bottom of the web page.


  • Slide web page scroll bar to go to the bottom of the page. Place the mouse cursor over the page; the tool bar will appear. There are buttons to save, print, go to next or previous page, or jump to any page. The buttons with “--” sign and “+” sign are for zooming out and zooming in. For example, click several times on the “--” button, the PDF page will be smaller as you see here.


Until now, you have finished instructions on how to post a PDF book on the website
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