C. SEO Website VNVN CMS 3.0 Utility!

24 Tháng Hai 20155:23 CH(Xem: 7840)
C. SEO Website VNVN CMS 3.0 Utility!

SEO Website VNVN CMS 3.0 Utility!

1.Utility tool: help optimize the website on Google Search engines.

2.The operation of utility: allow to create “Meta Title”, “Meta Keyword”, “Meta Description” tags, describes the content, purpose, object that your site want to mention on the pages or articles. These tags are considered as a key for Google taking information from your website and displaying in the top search users.

3. The order of installation


Step 1:  Login to the admin page.

Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin page.


Step 2: Login to the Overview page.

Enter your username ==> Enter your registered password ==> “Login”.

 login website

Step 3: Install the utility to the website.


Select “Settings” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> “Install” SEO-1.0.0 utility.


Step 4: Check out the operation of utility.

After installing the SEO utility into website, article creation tool will add a forder “SEO” automatically. In here, user can set up “Meta Title” (title), Meta Keyword (keyword), Meta Description tags.


Go go “Content” ==> “Article” ==> “Create New” (to see more instructions for creating a new article at http://giupdo.avdtv.net/p102a150/6f-tao-bai-viet-moi)

Or select an available article to create SEO 



Step 5: Setup SEO for the artical. 



Some notes help you SEO Website efficiently:


  • Meta title (title name) should brief, no more than 10 words, do not set up the form of adverb and complêmnt sentence.


  • Meta keyword (keyword) can be a phrase or a word, especially must be stored in “Meta Title” and no more than 3 keywords.


  • The Principle of Writing: write in normal form of word and after the phrase is often a comma, attention to give up leaving spaces after the comma.
  • Meta Descripton (description): the sentence is not contain more than 25 words, it is must be a complete sentence and contain the keyword of “Meta keyword” and “Meta Title”.


The article’s content have to include the phrases of “Meta keyword” and “Meta Title” and is repeated as much as posible, but not more than 15 times.


See more detailed instruction of SEO website at: http://vnvn.com/D_1-2_2-122/tu-lam-chu-chiem-luoc-seo-voi-vnvn.html


Wish you success!

Please continue tracking other instructions at:

http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a194/a-edit-the-article-content to improve your VNVN CMS 3.0 website.

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