N. The Page Permission Utility

08 Tháng Ba 20159:52 CH(Xem: 6822)
N. The Page Permission Utility

The Page Permission Utility


1. The function of utility: The “Page Permission” utility allows administrators to choose the target group that allowed or not allowed to view the content of any pages on the website. These pages are displayed only when the viewers is permited groups. The utility contributes to classify the site content that suitable for different subjects and help the website more appealing.


2. The order of utility installation


Step 1:  Login to the admin page.

Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin site.


Enter “username” ==> “password” ==> “Login”.

login website


Step 2: Install the utility to the website

Select “Setup” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> “Permission Page – 1.0.0” utility ==> “Free” ==> “Install” ==> “Agree”.


Step 3: Perform the permisson page for member groups.

Go to “Content” ==> “Categories” ==> select an any page that needs to permit viewing page content.

(See more instructions about creating a new page for the webste at http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a226/3-create-a-new-category-menu- )


 Select the groups of members that permitted to view page at “Permission” box.

The way to select the groups that allowed to viewing page: type the name of groups into the box directly, or select “+” button on the right of box and check on the permission groups ==> “OK”.



==> “Save” to complete setting up Permission page utility.


After completing all operations above, the installed page content will showed with the groups that has been granted the permission page and not valid with other subjects.

Wish you success!

Please continue tracking other instructions at:


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