F. Create a new article

05 Tháng Ba 201511:20 CH(Xem: 8228)
F. Create a new article

The Instruction to create a new article on VNVN CMS 3.0 Website


The process:

 Step 1: Login to the admin site.


Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin site.


==>  Login to General page.

 Enter username ==> Password ==> Login.

login website

 Step 2: Create a new article

After login to General page ==> select “Articles” ==> “Add new”.



==> select “Add new”.



Step 3: Create information for the article.


1. Create a tile: directly enter the article title to the Title box.

2. Add the display image for the article. (this image will display in the list of articles on the website)



==> The image is showed successfully.


3. Enter the short description to the “Summery” box.

4. Displayed in these categories: the article may only show up the pages that you select in this box.

You can directly enter the page titles to the box, the system will automatically display the pages for you select.


Besides, you can select displayed page by clicking on “+” button, then select the pages that need to add to the article.


5. Date posted.

Click on to Calendar ==> select the date posted of article.



==> Select the displayed time of article in the next box.



(Note: the articles only show if the date posted is less than or equal to the current date).


EX: if the article is posted in 2014-02-12 2: 46 CH == > this article can’t be displayed outside the layout until 2:46, 12th Feb 2014.


6. Pin the article to the top of page

The articles are usually displayed following a certain standard. (Date posted, Title, View, etc…)


By turning on “Pin to top”, the articles will not comply with the above standard and always show firstly when having viewer.


If you want to pin many articles to top, we click on the next box to sort the order of articles.



7. Turn on “Activate” for the article


==> After setting up the article information completely ==> “Save”.



Step 4: Add the content to the article.

4.1 Add the text to the article

Directly enter the content to the article box. Using the text editing tool.



4.2 Add image to the article.

For the articles containing image-video-audio, to make convenience, firstly you need to put it into the website resource.


See more instructions at:

Upload image to Resource directory: http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a240/5-upload-image-to-resource-directory

Upload Audio to resource directory:http://cms.vnvn.com/a245/a-upload-audio-to-resource-directory

Upload Video to resource directory: http://cms.vnvn.com/a241/b-upload-audio-to-resource-directory

Upload PDF file to article:  http://cms.vnvn.com/a248/c-the-fist-method-to-upload-pdf-file-to-website and http://cms.vnvn.com/a247/d-the-second-method-to-upload-pdf-file-to-website


The order of taking image to the article:

 Step 1: There are two ways inserting audio into the article.


Method 1: select “Insert” ==> “Insert/Edit image” (or “Media” to add video/audio”).


Method 2: Select “Resources” symbol on the editing toolbar.



Step 2: Select the image from website resource to the article ==> “Insert”.



The image is added to the article, 

To edit the image on the article, we click on the image directly ==> select the image editing tool below the image.



In the image editing toolbar includes some tools:

+ Size editing: small – medium – large – very large – original size

+ Alignment editing: left – centered – right

+ Adding caption.

+ Editing: Alignment – Add Caption – Dimensions

+ Delete image – Delete link.


==> After editing the image ==> “Save” the image to the article.



The article successfully displays in the list of article on the website.



The article displays outside the website layout.



The order of taking audio – video to article is similar to the instructions above.

Good Luck!

For other instructions, please visit our website:

 http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a194/ .

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