L. Display Advertisement in an Article

25 Tháng Hai 201511:27 CH(Xem: 6636)
L. Display Advertisement in an Article

Plugin to “Display Advertisement in an Article”!

1.The function of utility: the utility allows to insert advertisement to the article content when users view the article.


Typically, when creating an article, you can only add an image/video to the content. The advertising forms that have the complex effects will not be added to the article if you do not install the Plugin to display advertisement in an article.


Note: To use this utility, you need to practice creating ad zone well – creating ads and adding ads to the website layout. Tracking to the detail instruction at ==> http://cms.vnvn.com/p102a106/02-tao-banner-website

(See the instruction to choosing the ad effects at ==> http://cms.vnvn.com/p102a107/2a-chon-hieu-ung-cho-banner

 2. The order of installation


Step 1:  Login to the admin page.

Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin page.


==> Login to the Overview page

 Enter your username ==> Enter your registered password ==> “Login”.

 login website

Step 2: Install the utility into the website

Select “Settings” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> “Plugin to display advertisement in an article”  – 1.0.0” utility ==> “Free” ==> “Install” ==> “Agree”.



Step 3: Create ad zone (containing ad to insert to the article!)

Select “Content” ==> “Ad zone” ==> Create ad zone”.


==> Setup the display information of ad zone


1.The name of ad zone: directly enter the name for ad zone.

EX: Enter the name “Article Detail Adv” for the newly created ad zone.

2.Display style: Select the appropriate display style for the new banner.



  • 3. Dimensions of ad space: select the dimensions of ad/banner.

Some notes when selecting the dimensions of ad space, please tracking the instruction at ==> http://cms.vnvn.com/p102a106/02-tao-banner-website


 4. Turn on “Activate” for ad ==> “Save”



Step 4: Add the utility to the article box on the layout!

If you want the ad to be displayed on the article, you need to determine the layout type of article (with the website has multiple layouts). Then, installing the “Ad slot in article” utility.


==> “Layout” ==> select the layout type containing the article that needs to add ad ==> Select to adding the utility to “Content” box ==> Named to the article slot.



==> Select “ad zone” tab and setup the display of ad.


 1: Select the display position in the article.


2: “Works when there is a minimum of”:

The display condition: requesting the article must contain at least how many characters that the ad can be displayed. (the number of characters is not include the HTML code).

If the article containing less characters than the request characters, the ad will not be displayed.

If the value is 0 ==> always display the ad in the article.


3: Customize ad zone.


Select the ad zone that you created in step 3. The utility will take the ads in this zone to add to the article.

== > Click “Save” to complete setting up for ad in the article.


 ==> The ad zone is added to the article content box in the layout.


Step 5: Create the content for ad box!

Upload ad to the newly created “Article Detail Adv” ad zone, the ad will be displayed in the articles that having the installed layout.


EX: select any ad zone and add to the “Article Detail Adv” ad zone. (this box created in step 3).

(See the instruction to creating banner at: http://cms.vnvn.com/p102a106/02-tao-banner-website )



==> The ad is displayed outside the website layout, inside the article contents.



 Good Luck!

For other instructions to administrate VNVN CMS 3.0, please visit our website:

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