Step 1: Choose the article that needs to edit.
After logging to the General page ==> “Articles” ==> select the article that needs to edit ==> directly choose the article or the “edit” symbol on the right of article title.
Step 2: There are two ways to add audio to the article.
Select the “Content” of article ==> to add audio to the article choose (1) or (2) position following the image below.
There are two ways inserting audio to the article.
Method 1: select “Insert” (1) ==> “Video/Audio”.
(See the instruction to upload video to website resource at )
Method 2: Select “Resources” symbol (2) ==> “Media”.
Step 3: Upload Video/Audio into the article.
After performing one of two ways above, select the symbol that leads to “Resource” ==> select the audio stored folder ==> Select the audio which needs to insert into the article
==> “OK”.
Step 4: Add some basic settings for the audio that newly uploaded to the article.
Media title: add a description for audio (can be added or not).
Media type: select “Audio”.
Dimensions: the dimensions of audio displaying in the article.
Autoplay: Select if you want the audio automatically play when opening the article (do not need to choose Play on the audio).
Loop: Select if you want the audio automatically repeat when clicking on the article.
Step 5: Select “Insert” to complete adding audio into the article.
The audio is uploaded to the article on the website successfully!
These above steps are the further instruction to add audio into article!
Good luck!
For other instructions, please visit our website: