G. User Upload Utility

24 Tháng Hai 20158:24 CH(Xem: 8420)
G. User Upload Utility

User Upload Utility

1.      The function of utility

After installation the article of member utility into the website (following the instructions at http://cms.vnvn.com/p102a165/tien-ich-bai-viet-cua-thanh-vien- ), users can only upload image/video to the article when having the URL of image (ie the link of image/video has been uploaded to a website). This makes users confused!




To insert images, video or other resources into the article, you need to install the User Upload utility. The utility allows website members to directly upload resources (images, video, audio,etc…) from personal files to the articles.

2. The order of utility installation


Step 1:  Login to the admin page. Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin page.
Step 2: Login to the Overview page.

Enter your username ==> Enter your registered password ==> “Login”.

 login website

Step 3: Install the utility to the website.

Select “Settings” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> install “User Upload – 1.0.0” utility ==> “Free” ==> “Install” ==> “Agree”.



Step 4: Setup the installation of upload image tool


After installing the utility into the website successfully, in the installation folder you will see “User Upload” item, this item is a place containing rules (setup the installation for the resource upload tool of users).


The system has created a rule which allows to upload the resources to the members’ articles in all pages. You can choose to edit or create a new rule following your installation.


Select “Settings” ==> “User Upload” ==> “Add New”


Step 5: Setup the installations for new rule!


1: Named to the rule.

2: Setting up total resource capacity that allows to be uploaded in the article.
Users are not allowed to upload files which is larger than the installed value on each article!


3: Setting up the limit for each file that allowed to upload on per uploading.

4: Setting up the total number of files that allowed to upload in the article.

5: Setting up the file types that allowed to insert into the article.
==> Select “On” in the types of file that allows to be uploaded to the article. These types of files including image, video/audio and other file types.


6: Turn on “Activaion”.

==> The rule is enabled only when turning on “Activation”.

==> After setting up the rule, select “Save” to complete.

==> The new created rule is displayed.



Step 6: Add the rule which allows to upload images into the Posting Rule.

The User Upload does not work individually, we need to link the new created rule to the “Posting Rule” folder so that the utility can work.


Select “Content” ==> “Posting Rule” ==> Select the rule applying the utility which allows users to upload images.


==> Select the suitable image upload rule at “Upload Settings” box.


 ==> Select “Save” to complete adding image upload utility into the article rule!


Step 7: Check out the operation of utility.

After completing the above steps, users can add files as image/video/audio into the article without the image URL.


After logging in the website, users can upload images into the article.



The image is selected from the individual file of users.



The images are posted successfully into the article. (the article is only displayed outside the website layout after activated by administrators).


These above steps are further instruction about “Login – Register” utility. Good luck!

For other instructions, please visit our website: 

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