C. The Instruction To Display Articles Randomly

24 Tháng Hai 20156:27 CH(Xem: 8482)
C. The Instruction To Display Articles Randomly

The Instruction To Display Articles Randomly 

1. The function of utility:

After installing the utility on the website, the articles in the category installed this type will display randomly and not depended on the posting time as well as the number of views.

2. The order of utility installation


Step 1:  Login to the admin page.

Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin page.


Step 2: Login to the Overview page.

Enter your username ==> Enter your registered password ==> “Login”.

 login website

Step 3: Install the utility to the website.

Select “Setup” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> “Plugin for displaying articles randomly – 1.0.0” utility ==> “Free” ==> “Install” ==> “Agree”.


Step 4: Setting up the display of random articles for a page.


After successfully installing the utility on the website, if you want the articles in any pages can display based on the number of views, you need to reset the display for that page.


==> “Content” ==> “Categories” ==> select any created categories ==> go to “Display” select “Sorted by Random”.




Step 5: Check out the operation of utility.

The article titles display randomly in the category that installed the Displaying article randomly utility.


Good luck!

For other instructions, please visit our website:


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