B. The Viewers’ Comments Utility

06 Tháng Hai 201512:04 SA(Xem: 8569)
B. The Viewers’ Comments Utility

The Viewers’ Comments Utility 

1.The function of utility: allows users (including website members and viewers) sending feedback, comments below each article in the website. The utility is useful for the diversified development and highly interactive capability with users.


  • 2. The operation of utility: after installing the “Viewers’ Comment” utility into the website, below each article will display a framework for users submit comments into the website.



 3.      The order of utility installation.

Step 1:  Login to the admin page. Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin page.


 Step 2: Login to the Overview page.

Enter your username ==> Enter your registered password ==> “Login”.

login website

 Step 3: Install the utility to the website.

Select “Settings” ==> “Utility” ==> “All” ==> “Viewers’ Comments – 1.0.0” utility ==> “Free” ==> “Agree”.


 Step 4: Setup the installation of article comment submit tool


After installing the utility into the website successfully, the “Content” folder will automatically show “Viewers’ Comment” folder, here is where you setup installations for the comment submit tool of users.


Go to “Content” ==> “Viewers’ Comment” ==> “Setup”


The system has an available setup page that allows users send comments into all pages. You can use this rule or can customize or remove rule and create a new rule following your needs.


 Step 5: Setup the installations for new viewers’ comment rule.


1. Named the new rule.

2. Use the HTML editor tool.

==> Select “On” to install the tool that supports users editing the content of comment.

3. Allow URL link in post: when you select “On” this button, users can insert the links leading to other websites when creating comments.

4. Allow image tab: allow users to insert images into the content comments.

5. Select “On”/ “Off” to insert emoticons in comment box.

The requirements to use emoticons:

  • Item number (2) must be turned on
  • Item number (4) must be turned on
  • Plugin “Emoticons” must be installed and at least one package is installed into the website.


6. Select “On” / “Off” media upload: Allows users to insert video and audio into the comments.
7. Require the verification code when submitting comments.

The box which asks to enter the verification code will be displayed when you select “On”.


8. Select “On” Pending approval by administrator

(Only when the administrator revises and allows, the comment content can be displayed outside the website layout).

9-10. Select Max/Min number of characters accepted.

11. Define the wait time between 2 comments of the same user.

12. Select the maximum number of comments per day that each user can send.

13. Allow senders to edit sent comments.

14. Activation: The rule only works when selecting “On”

15. Select what pages are applied by the rule.


16. Select what member groups are applied by the rule.


After setting up the installations for new rule, click “Save” to complete!



Step 6. Change the position of rules.

The rules will be prioritized from top to bottom, a page is added to many rules, the installations of highest rule will be valid for that page!

==> You can change the priority order for the rules by choosing to move Up/Down the rules.



Step 7: Check out the operation of utility.

After installing the tool successfully, outside the website layout will display the viewers’ comment box.


Good luck!

For other instructions, please visit our website:

http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a194/a-edit-the-article-content to improve your VNVN CMS 3.0 website.

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