5. Upload Image to Resource Directory

04 Tháng Ba 20157:21 CH(Xem: 9066)
5. Upload Image to Resource Directory

Upload Image to Resource Directory


Resource” is a directory that store all images and video of website. When you want to insert images or videos to the article, firstly you need to upload them to the Resource directory.

Step 1. Login to the Admin page with the registered account.

Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin site.


Enter “username” ==> “password” ==> “Login”.

login website

In the General page ==> Click “Resource” in one of the two positions of the image below.


Resource”: includes many folders such as: Articles, Banner, Contact, Media, etc…

==> Select “Articles” to save images to the website articles.



There are two ways to upload new images to “Article”:


Method 1:
Create the image folder in Articles.

Step 1: Select “Action” ==> “New folder” ==> Named to the new folder (note: to manage resources effectively, you should name to the folder following the topic such as: the displayed name/the article title or following the Date posted).



Step 2: Select the image that needs to upload to the new folder.

Double click on the newly created folder ==> “Upload”, choose one or two positions as the image below.



Step 3:
Select the image in the file containing images to upload to Resource.

Click on “+” button to link to the image folder ==> select images ==> “Open”.


Step 4: Complete to upload images to the new folder.

Method 1: Select “Upload” to complete uploading images to the new folder


Method 2: Directly upload images by “Articles”.

(This method is rapid, simple, but difficult to manage the website resource in the long term).


Step 2
: Select images from the image folder ==> “Open” ==> “Start uploading” to complete.




 The uploaded images will display outside “Articles” folder.



After uploading images to “Resource” directory successfully, you will easy to editing – inserting images to an article.

Good Luck!

For other instruction to administrate VNVN CMS V3.0, please visit our website: http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a194/a-edit-the-article-content

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