In the previous instruction, we were instructed to upload audio to the Resource directory. One important type of resources is Video, you need to know how to upload video to the Resource directory to insert to the article.
Practice how to upload video to Resource.
Step 1: Select the directory to store Video.
==> Login to Site Admin
Add the phrase “/siteadmin” after the address of VNVN CMS 3.0 news website to login to the admin site.
==> Enter username ==> Password ==> Login.
==> “Resource” ==> “Media” to store video.
Select “Video” folder in Media
Step 2: There are two ways to upload video to the article.
1. Directly select upload in the “Video” folder (do not create the subdirectory to store the new video).
Select “Upload” in the positions (1) (2) or (3) as the image below.
2. Create the folder containing video to manage easily (In case, you want to upload many videos in the same article or the videos that have the same topic...)
Click on “Action” ==> “New folder” ==> Named to the new folder (you should select the name following the the common topic for the videos in the same folder such as the article title/the category title/ the posted date containing the videos).
Click on the newly created folder ==> “Upload” in the positions (1) (2) or (3) as the image below.
Step 3: Select the video from your files! (You should manipulate the same order for two ways above).
Select “+” symbol to upload files ==> Select files that need to upload ==> “Open”.
Select “Start Uploading” to upload the video file => waiting to upload.
The video is uploaded successfully to the website resource.
Please following other instructions at: http://cms.vnvn.com/p203a194/a-edit-the-article-content